Positive Vibes at PIANC A-NZ AGM 2019

PIANC Australia and New Zealand held its 23rd AGM in Sydney recently, with Chair Will Glamore very confident of the growing organisation’s future directions.

Although only a youngster compared to its global parent – (PIANC International was founded in 1885) PIANC A-NZ already has the largest number of corporate members (70) out of all PIANC’s 40 national sections, as well as an impressive number of individual members.

The recently expanded PIANC A-NZ Board formulated a new strategic plan at the beginning of the year for 2019 and beyond – based on two major objectives –building and empowering the regions, and more effective communication to members.

It has always been his concern, Glamore says, that the organisation serves its members, and improving PIANC’s regular, meaningful interactions with members is a personal priority. Improved communications in the last six months has seen a 500% increase in Web views, as more information about working groups, board matters and local and national events is provided, and a regular newsletter has been established.

It is partly due to its healthy membership growth that the Board is seeking to build strong regional chapters which can better focus on local needs and reduce travel costs and time for members. Luke Campbell is the Board member driving these changes, assisted by our Young Professional section, led by Rodney Hancock.

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