PIANC Australia & New Zealand

Bringing together experts on technical, economic, environmental and planning issues pertaining to waterborne transport infrastructure.

Established in 1885, PIANC is the leading global knowledge partner for governments and the private sector in the design, development and maintenance of ports, waterways and coastal areas. As a non-political and non-profit organisation, PIANC brings together the best international experts on technical, economic and environmental issues pertaining to waterborne transport infrastructures.

At the core of PIANC’s mission is the publication of high-quality Technical Reports produced by international Working Groups composed of expert participants from multiple member countries. Through our many conferences and events we bring people together in the ports and maritime communities for knowledge sharing, learning and networking.

PIANC Australia and New Zealand is one of the largest of the 28 recognised National Sections within PIANC International.

7 reasons to join

Get connected to expert guidance and technical advice Gain open access to advanced technological information Address climate change issues Team up with industry decision makers Be active in Working Groups, Commissions and National Sections Come aboard the Young Professional Community Become part of our international network

Latest AU-NZ News

We are pleased to announce the publication of PIANC EnviCom WG 230 - 'Green Financing of Nature-Based Infrastructure'.

Find the press release at https://loom.ly/7hqjogw.

#pianc #wgreports #envicom

It's a wrap! If you missed the well-attended webinar on 'Investing in Climate Change Resilience', you can find the recording on the PIANC YouTube channel at https://loom.ly/rKT7MBY.

#pianc #ptgcc #climatechangeresilience

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