Member profile: Gildas Colleter – MarCom Climate Change Champion

Gildas Colleter, a French-Australian maritime and coastal engineer, who has delivered many award-winning projects over the last 20 years with his peers, has been serving the PIANC global community as the Maritime Commission Climate Change Champion since 2020. 

We caught up with Gildas recently to celebrate his continuing work as an expert adviser and facilitator. We asked him what his role entails and what hopes he has for the challenges facing the sector.

Check out the two minute video here.

As a not for profit, voluntary organisation, PIANC greatly benefits from the generous sharing of their time, knowledge and experience by industry experts such as Gildas. A big shout out also to Greg Fisk another PIANC AU-NZ member on the global leadership team appointed in 2020 as Recreational Commission’s Climate Change Champion. We are also grateful for the support of their employers, PIANC AU-NZ Corporate members BMT (Greg ) and Water Technology Pty Ltd (Gildas) .

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