MarCom WG 185 – Ports on Greenfield Sites -now released.

PIANC MarCom WG 185 – ‘Ports on Greenfield Sites – Guidelines for Site Selection and Masterplanning has been released!

The new publication, WG 185, builds on WG 158 ‘Masterplans for the Development of Existing Ports, (2014) and provides guidelines and recommendations for the preparation and application of
port masterplans for greenfield ports and specialist marine terminals. In particular, it provides guidance on how to:
• identify, develop and review the needs
• set the functional and performance requirements
• outline the spatial needs
• identify and evaluate the potential sites
• prepare development options
• evaluate/screen/optimise development options
• plan the permitting and Implement the masterplan

In addition, the report considers the overall timeframe for implementation, including design, tender processes and construction periods for typical developments. At each stage the approach considers the environmental aspects, constraints and requirements of the port development adopting PIANC’s Working with Nature concepts.

Please click here to download the press release for more details.

PIANC members can download their free copy in the PIANC Members Only Section on the PIANC website, non-members can purchase their copy at

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