Welcome new leadership @ New Zealand Chapter

PIANC A&NZ welcomes the new team leading PIANC New Zealand, Chair Matthew McKee, Deputy Chair Jonathan (Jono) Stewart, and YP representative Andrew Brown.

Matthew McKee is a Senior Project Delivery Manager at Wellington’s CentrePort.

Prior to working for one of New Zealand’s largest ports, Matthew was a project engineer for Fletchers. With nearly 20 years of construction experience Matthew is now involved in all things large and small in marine infrastructure construction with a focus on sustainability within port environments.

Matthew is experienced in industry regulations and negotiating contracts, as well as material recycling projects. He has successfully managed and delivered multi-million-dollar projects, working collaboratively with multiple stakeholders, coordinating multiple trades and working with local officials to ensure timely and budget-friendly completion of projects. One of his major passions is to build a thriving team culture, focusing on clarity of communication and processes, staff wellbeing, safety, and leadership.

In his spare time, Matthew enjoys volunteering at local mountain bike & walking trail clubs to help maintain local trails for Wellingtonians to use and enjoy.

Matthew is looking forward to leading PIANC’s New Zealand Chapter into a new season and is excited to connect all the very valued people within the NZ marine industry and community. 

New Deputy Chair is Jonathan (Jono) Stewart, a Senior Project Manager for WSP in New Zealand. 

Jono specializes in Ports and Marine engineering, planning and construction and has over fifteen years of broad ports/civil/transportation experience, working on a diverse range of projects across New Zealand and Canada – including business cases, port planning studies, design and construction for new builds (up $0.5B) and repairs/upgrades on existing structures/terminals. These projects have included working on a wide range of marine structures (timber, concrete and steel), container and bulk terminal planning, roads, bridges, underground utilities, retaining structures, bulk earthworks and dabbling in the realm of Asset Management.

Jono is looking forward to building with others a full PIANC event calendar of in-person social / technical events, site/project visits, online tech talks and conferences. ‘For anyone in New Zealand that works in or is involved with the Ports, Marine and Coastal industry,’ he says, ‘we look forward to engaging with you soon.‘

Andrew Brown is a Senior Coastal/Maritime Engineer and Ports Market Lead for Tonkin & Taylor.  

Chartered with the Institution of Civil Engineers and holding a Masters in Coastal Engineering, Andrew has over 13 years’ experience as a consulting engineer. He started his career with HR Wallingford in the UK specialising in physical model testing, gaining a unique insight to the performance of marine structures before heading to the Middle East to work on major projects there. Over the last five years he’s been in NZ delivering port, waterfront development and coastal projects across the country. 

Andrew is a member of PIANC Working Group 222 which is developing revised guidelines for floating breakwaters and is looking forward to contributing more to PIANC NZ through his role on the committee as the YP Representative.

Warm welcome to Matt, Jono and Andrew and a huge thanks to outgoing leads Michel de Vos and Tom Shand, and all the people in NZ who valiantly delivered Coasts & Ports 2021/2022!

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