Calling for self nominations from PIANC A-NZ members for ‘Climate Change Champions” role on PIANC MarCom and RecCom.
PIANC Australia & New Zealand is seeking nominations from members for positions as “climate champions” to MarCom and RecCom.
As outlined in a request from PIANC HQ;
“In order to ensure that PIANC is well prepared to meet the challenges of the changing climate, ExCom has agreed to create a new position on each of the following PIANC Commissions:
MarCom (the Maritime Navigation Commission),
InCom (the Inland Navigation Commission),
RecCom (the Recreational Navigation Commission) and
EnviCom (the Environmental Commission)
The main role of these ‘climate champions’ will be to provide:
1) Relevant expertise on climate change issues for the work of the Commissions
2) A link between the Commission and its activities and PIANC’s Permanent Task Group on Climate Change (PTGCC)
3) A conduit for the flow of information regarding climate change within PIANC. ”
Self- nominations welcome:
If you are interested in applying for these roles on MarCom or RecCom, please self-nominate by COB Friday 19 April 2019.
Please send nominations by email to PIANC A-NZ Chair, Will Glamore and cc Ron Cox at
Please attach a short CV and a 200 word statement describing what you will bring to the Commission as the representative climate champion. As with all PIANC A-NZ nominees, please highlight how you may be able to transfer the knowledge gained from participation to local PIANC A-NZ members.
It is worth noting that successful candidates for each Commission should plan to attend the relevant autumn 2019 Commission and PTGCC meetings – scheduled prior to the PIANC Smart Rivers conference to be held in Lyon, France 30 September to 3 October 2019.
Note that PIANC A-NZ candidates will be subsequently confirmed by the International PTGCC representatives. Nomination by the local national section may not necessarily result in an official appointment.
The selected candidate will need to self-fund the costs of participation, although some funding support may be available from PIANC Australia-New Zealand via the Travel Assistance Program (on a competitive basis).
For more information you can download PIANC HQ letter calling for nominations here: