Exciting news!
Online videos of PIANC’s hybrid conference APAC2020 with all speakers and sessions including our seminar on “Nature-based Solutions for Coasts, Ports and Estuaries” are now available to all viewers, not just attendees or members. Check them out here.
Day 1: Symposium on Nature Based Solutions for Coasts, Ports and Estuaries
Day 2: Welcome Plenary, and Sessions on Navigation, Environmental Aspects And Ecosystem Services, Ports And Marine Facilities – Design And Construction, Coastal Processes and Risk Implications, Port Planning, Working with Nature, afternoon Plenary session with PIANC HQ in Brussels.
Day 3: Includes Plenary Sessions plus Port Planning – Westport, Economic, Social, Legal And Political Aspects, Port Planning, Recreational Facilities, Waterfront Development and Marinas, Fenders, Dredging And Reclamation, Ports and Marine Facilities – Construction & Design.