

PIANC International has members in 65 countries, including 36 qualifying members, 2 international river commissions, about 450 corporate members (private companies, harbor agencies, firms, laboratories, chambers of commerce, etc…) and about 2000 individual members.

PIANC Australia & New Zealand is one of the larger of the 28 National Sections which operate to facilitate contacts between PIANC HQ and the membership. 

7 Key Reasons to join PIANC...


Individual Membership is open to all persons who have an interest in PIANC and PIANC ANZ activities.
$ 290 Annually
  • You will receive all the benefits of membership
  • Free downloading of Working Group Reports
  • Discounts to PIANC events
  • The opportunity to be able to participate in Australian and New Zealand PIANC events


Corporate Membership is open to public and private organizations who have an interest in PIANC and PIANC ANZ activities.
$ 1950 Annually
  • All professionals of the organisation are automatically members of PIANC and receive all the benefits of membership
  • Free downloading of Working Group Reports
  • Discounts to PIANC events
  • Your organisation noted as a corporate member on our website with a link back to your website
  • The opportunity to suggest and participate in Australia and New Zealand technical events


Free Student Membership is open to persons under 30 years of age and who are full-time undergraduate or postgraduate students studying at a recognised tertiary institution within Australasia.
Free Annually
  • For access to our Working Group Reports, please apply to
  • You will receive all the other benefits of membership
  • Discounts to PIANC events
  • The opportunity to be able to participate in Australian and New Zealand PIANC events