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PIANC APAC 2020 – Inaugural Asia Pacific Conference 1- 4 Dec 2020

December 1, 2020 - December 4, 2020

“Port, harbour and recreational boating for today and tomorrow”

The APAC2020 Conference will be held on 1 – 4 December, 2020, with the pre-Conference Symposium taking place on Tuesday 1 December, followed by the Conference Welcome reception in the evening.   Detailed Conference program here.
This new biennial conference series will focus on harbours, ports and recreational boating in the Asia Pacific region.  Our 2020 Conference theme “Port, harbour and recreational boating for today and tomorrow” reflects the growing worldwide recognition to place the natural environment at the forefront of every project as well as a growing emphasis on a licence to operate.

With the current border closures preventing some speakers and delegates from being able to travel to Perth, PIANC and the Local Organising Committee have decided to implement a hybrid Conference model. The hybrid Conference will consist of a face-to-face Conference at the Esplanade Hotel Fremantle, coupled with a live stream of the program so that both in-person and remote delegates can attend and present. By offering a hybrid model we can be more inclusive and welcoming to a larger community who may not be able to attend in person due to travel, budget or other restrictions. Conference fees have been adjusted for online attendees.

Revised Key Dates:

14 August 2020 Abstract Submission (Round 2) Deadline (midnight AEDT)
28 August 2020 Authors advised of Submission Outcome
25 September 2020 Speaker Registration Deadline
18 October 2020 Earlybird Registration Closes

Conference Themes:

Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Coastal Processes and Risk Implications
Dredging and Reclamation
Economic, Social, Legal and Political Aspects
Environmental Aspects and Ecosystem Services
Port Planning
Ports and Marine Facilities – Design and Construction
Recreational Facilities, Waterfront Development and Marinas
Sustainability, and Stakeholder Engagement
Working with Nature

Register here for the Conference

  • PIANC APAC 2020 will bring together engineers, planners, scientists and researchers to focus on the technological, scientific, policy, planning and design issues related to our diverse and developing ports, harbours and recreational boating facilities.
  • The first in an eminent conference series, PIANC APAC 2020 will be hosted at the Hotel Esplanade in the vibrant city of Fremantle, Western Australia on 1-4 Dec 2020.
  • During the Conference, PIANC APAC 2020 will incorporate concurrent streams facilitating the opportunity for discussion and networking. A trade exhibition will host the Welcome Reception as well as all morning tea, afternoon tea and lunch breaks. A Gala Conference Dinner is planned with multiple PIANC awards to be presented. In addition, technical tours and networking events will form part of the Conference.
  • There will be a pre-Conference Symposium on Tuesday 1 Dec – Nature Based Solutions for Ports, Coasts and Estuaries .

We look forward to seeing you at PIANC APAC 2020!

For more information and registration please see www.PIANC2020.com 

Additional enquiries should be directed to the Conference Secretariat: Encanta Event Management  T: +61 3 9863 7609  E: lexie.duncan@encanta.com.au


December 1, 2020
December 4, 2020
Event Categories: