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Coasts&Ports 2023 15 – 18 Aug – Sunshine Coast

August 15, 2023 - August 18, 2023

Coasts&Ports 2023 15 – 18 Aug – Sunshine Coast Novotel

Australasian Coasts & Ports 2023 to be held 15 – 18 August 2023 is an event that will be of interest to any person with a professional interest in the coastal and maritime environments.

The Conference will bring together engineers, planners, scientists and researchers to Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, to focus on the technological, scientific, policy, planning and design issues related to our diverse and developing coasts.

It will integrate ideas and knowledge among engineers, port and maritime operators, researchers and scientists, local/central government, maritime manufacturers, planners and policy makers and media.

This Conference will continue to publicise the persisting importance of coastal engineering problems, incorporating numerous concurrent streams for technical presentations, half-day field trips and the opportunity to network with colleagues in a vibrant social program including a Welcome Reception, Conference Dinner, and other optional activities.


About the Australasian Coasts and Ports Conference

The Australasian Coasts & Ports Conference series is the pre-eminent forum in the Australasian region for professionals to meet and discuss multi-disciplinary issues related to coasts and ports.

50 Years of ideas, discussions and knowledge exchange

In 1973, two years after the formation of the National Committee on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, the first Australian Conference on Coastal engineering was held in Sydney.

In 2023 we will reflect on 50 years of coastal, ocean and port engineering in Australasia, but also look forward to the next 50 years. A period that is anticipated to be characterised by great change. In Australasia as well as around the world, the increasing impacts of climate change are going to be realised while at the same time much of the existing infrastructure will approach or surpass its design life.

Working together – with nature, with communities, with other professions.

As we now start to develop strategies to adapt, we must also look forward to how we will embed adaptation ideas and principles in everything we do, so that we can implement these adaptation strategies at scale. To achieve this, working together will be critical: working together with the ocean, with nature, with communities as well as with other professions.

50 years from now we want to be able to look back and say that we took what we knew, implemented big ideas and adapted to the challenges.



August 15, 2023
August 18, 2023
Event Category: