PIANC AU-NZ Regional Chapters
As well as contributing to an international body of knowledge, and sharing industry knowledge and best practice, PIANC is about bringing people in our industry together, and supporting the next generation of professionals in the industry.
Our Regional Chapters support and enhance all these aims and activities. Regions will be interlinked – with sharing of event materials and content between chapters, and, where possible, eminent speakers – international or national. But they will also focus on local needs and regional requirements.
Each Regional Chapter has an independent leadership committee with responsibility to manage its own regional events and communications while also reporting to, and liaising with, the National PIANC AU-NZ Board.
Get involved in your region! Contact your regional chapter – details below.
Young Professional (YP) Representatives
Each Regional Chapter leadership committee includes a Young Professional Representative.
The role primarily involves supporting the Chapter with planning regional events, and engaging with regional Young Professionals, the Regional Chapter Board Lead Claire Treeby and the AU-NZ YPCom National Chair – Lisa Wynne.