PIANC AU-NZ Awards - presented at APAC
Award Categories
Awarded for the best paper presented by an Australian or New Zealand author under the age of 40 and is assessed based on the extended abstract as well as their presentation.
APAC2024 Winner: Jarryd Barnes
Paper: ‘Field measurement and numerical modelling of re-suspended sediment due to tugs.’
APAC2022 Winner: Edward Rowe
Paper:‘Beyond the Roadmap: Approaching environmental sustainability challenge in Pacific Island ports.’
APAC2020 Winner: Nick Deussen
Paper: “Tiwi Islands Ferry Landing Design – Remote Infrastructure that Serves a Community.“
Awarded to an outstanding paper and presentation.
APAC2024 Winner: Damien Dryden
Paper: ‘Potential Acid Sulfate Soils Management for 1.5 million m3 of dredged material.’
Paper: “Physical and Numerical Modelling to Evaluate Iron Ore Transhipment Design and Operations.“
PIANC AU-NZ Contribution Award
This award is presented to an individual for their commendable input to supporting PIANC AU-NZ including on working group/s and commissions, conferences and promotions.
APAC2024 Winner: Mary O’Connell
About Mary: Mary manages communications for a growing PIANC AU-NZ. Experienced in engineering comms, she has built and strengthened our connections with members and the wider ports and maritime community through emails, newsletters, web stories, Annual Reports, videos and LinkedIn posts. Attendance at our events and awareness of our work has risen, and not just locally. She has raised our region’s profile within the international PIANC community to such an extent that HQ wanted her to come and work with them!
APAC2022 Winner: Tom Shand
About Tom: Tom co-chaired, and co-steered the Coast & Ports conference in Christchurch, NZ which was held fully online in April 2022 after constantly changing Covid-19 conditions and travel rules in both participating countries. The Conference was content-rich, with 150 presentations, Expert Panel sessions and additional international keynote speakers. It was also a financial success. Tom had previously been busy on the LOCs for Coasts & Ports 2013, 2105 and 2017. Tom served as YP Com Vice-Chair of the Asia Pacific region from 2018 – 2020.
APAC2020 Winner: Bob Lamont-Smith
About Bob: Bob is a recognised specialist in port planning and design of heavy structures and has served on a number of PIANC Working Groups, including WG184 Design Principles for Dry Bulk Marine Terminals (2019) and WG211 – Guidelines for the Design of Fender Systems.
PIANC AU-NZ Progress Award
This award presented to an individual or team who have increased the positive influence of Waterborne Transport Infrastructure in AU-NZ through initiatives relating to equality, diversity and using their work to improve the lives of others.
APAC2024 Winner: Claire Treeby
Claire is the Director of Ports and Terminals Australia and Asia for international engineering consultancy Hatch, and is the Regional Chapter Lead on the PIANC AU-NZ Board. Claire has led the transformation of PIANC AU-NZ from a Sydney-centric Board to a multi-sited regionally active organisation which empowers and involves members from the ground up. She has been the driving force behind so many innovative PIANC projects, such as the inspiring and very successful YP Leadership Breakfast series around the region, in hosting or co-hosting Women in Maritime events, and in forging new student/industry connections.
APAC2022 Winner: Marika Calfas, CEO of NSW Ports.
Marika is very active in PIANC as the AU-NZ Technical Lead for PIANC’s Environmental Commission. Our Commission Leads are both our voice in international affairs and our link back to PIANC AU-NZ members involved with working groups and related matters. Marika works hard to ensure PIANC AU-NZ stays connected, informed and involved. Marika is a passionate advocate for sustainable practices in ports and her work and knowledge in that field is shared globally.
APAC2020 Winner: Dr Luke Twomey.
About Luke: Luke is the CEO of the Western Australian Marine Science Institute (WAMSI) and has contributed greatly to the industry through his research and his use of an integrated Economic/Social/Environment approach to problem solving.
PIANC AU-NZ Lifetime Achievement Award
For outstanding involvement and contribution to the AU-NZ Waterborne Transport Infrastructure industry.
APAC2024 Winner: Peter Fountain (awarded posthumously)
Peter Fountain served on the PIANC AU-NZ Board from its inception in 1998 to 2014. From 2014 he was our region’s lead for MarCom, responsible for identifying and guiding experienced and emerging Australian and New Zealand leaders in the sector to take up their place in PIANC’s Working Groups – to share their expertise with and learn from the world’s best. Peter was enthusiastic and committed to the PIANC mission of technical advancement and knowledge sharing, professional and astute in his decisions, a wise, softly spoken and supportive leader.
APAC2022 Winner: Ron Cox
Associate Professor Ron Cox has generously brought his more than 40 years of professional, academic and organisational experience in coastal, ocean and environmental engineering to his work as a PIANC AU-NZ Board member, as a member of PIANC’s Permanent Task Group of Climate Change (PTGCC), the Environmental Commission (EnviCom) and of Co-Com – PIANC’s International Co-operation Commission. He has been and is a very active supporter/ organiser of PIANC AU-NZ conferences and workshops, and an effective liaison person between PIANC and other professional organisations and institutions. In other words, he is a PIANC Living Treasure!
APAC2020 Winner: Neil Lawson
About Neil: Serving currently as the vice president of PIANC International and previously for 18 years as the Chair of PIANC in Australia & New Zealand. Those involved in PIANC know that he always goes above and beyond to ensure that the association continues to thrive and grow. Neil started work as a port engineer in the 1970s, has had a long and very successful career in the industry and continues to help shape its future.
PIANC AU-NZ APAC Peter Fountain Memorial Award
This award inaugurated in 2024 – to support young AU-NZ engineers or engineering students to attend PIANC AU-NZ conferences and make a career in port and maritime engineering.
Peter Fountain (1946-2021) was a longstanding member of PIANC AU-NZ who led the Maunsell/AECOM maritime engineering practice in Australia for decades. Peter had a stellar reputation in the maritime engineering industry within Australia and New Zealand and internationally. In recognition of Peter’s contribution his family in collaboration with PIANC AU-NZ created the Peter Fountain Memorial Fellowship Fund.
2024 Winners: Caelan Hearne – Final Year BE (Hons) UNSW and Lauren Ilano – Final Year BE (Hons) USyd.
Caelan is currently completing his undergraduate research thesis on coastal protection at the UNSW Water Research Laboratory.
Lauren is currently studying a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) (Civil Engineering) and a Bachelor of Science (Adv Physics) at the University of Sydney.