2019 PIANC Young Author Award

Congratulations to Damon Howe!

Established in 1988, the prestigious PIANC A&NZ Young Authors Award is traditionally presented at the biennial Coasts and Ports Conference for the best paper and presentation by an author 40 and under.

This year PIANC A&NZ Chair William Glamore was delighted to award the 2019 prize to Damon Howe for his paper and presentation titled “Integration of Wave Energy Converters within Floating Offshore Structures.”

Damon is a final year PhD Candidate in the field of Maritime Engineering at the Australian Maritime College, a specialist institute of the University of Tasmania.

His paper, co-authored with Jean-Roch Nader and Gregor Macfarlane, provided a brief synopsis of a significant experimental investigation to explore a proof-of-concept for a floating breakwater integrated with multiple Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Wave Energy Converters (WEC).

Integrating wave energy conversion technology has been one potential application considered to make ocean wave renewable energy more competitive within the energy sector. From an economic perspective, the costs associated with construction, maintenance and grid connection can be significantly reduced by adopting the integration of Wave Energy Conversion technology within Maritime structures.

With the expansion of many blue economy industries into deeper waters, Damon’s work hopes to meet the demands of these expanding industries.

“I was born and raised in Tasmania” Damon said “and have always had a strong interest in the ocean and all its processes as I was lucky enough to grow up very close to the coast.

It is my hope that my research will contribute towards increasing the feasibility of ocean renewable energy and provide an energy solution for the ever-expanding blue economy.”

Damon’s PhD thesis submission is planned for early 2020.

Download full abstract here.

For more information about Damon and his research see here or contact him at Damon.Howe@utas.edu.au

The Young Author’s award is publicly presented by the PIANC A&NZ Chair during the Coasts and Ports Conference dinner. The winner is provided with free membership of PIANC Australia for 2 years. For a list of previous winners see here.

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