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PIANC QLD/NT – Hybrid Seminar, Brisbane Offshore Wind & Ocean Energy 18/04/23

April 18, 2023 @ 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

The session includes presentations by three leading Australian researchers and industry experts on offshore wind and marine renewable energy, followed by networking.

Tuesday 18 April starts 5.30pm at Hawken Engineering Building, UQ. The event will also be streamed online. and recorded here. 

The event is FREE But RSVPs for in person and online attendance are essential.


This talk will introduce the audience to marine renewable energy devices and the possibilities of offshore wind currently being researched, designed and implemented along the Australian coastline.

While solar and wind are clear leaders in Australia’s current renewable market. Marine Renewable Energies (MRE), i.e. tidal, marine currents and wave energy, could become an additional solution for the future Australian renewable mix.

Australia’s coasts are home to the world’s best wave energy resource in the south, while the north, with its large tidal ranges, is ideal for the implementation of tidal energy projects. MRE have seen major developments in Australia in the last two years, both in the research sphere and industry-led projects.

In 2022 the federal government declared Australia’s first offshore wind zones, giving developers the green light to proceed with planning and consultation for wind farm projects.

This seminar will provide, insightful industry knowledge from a consulting perspective.



April 18, 2023
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Event Category: